PREMIERE: 7pm ET, @jerallaire goes live w/ @brian_armstrong , Co-founder & CEO @Coinbase to discuss:.

09 Nov 2022, 23:00
PREMIERE: 7pm ET, @jerallaire goes live w/ @brian_armstrong , Co-founder & CEO @Coinbase to discuss: 👉 A mechanism for standardizing identity in an open infrastructure 👉 The role of regulation in enabling global financial inclusion Watch it here:

Same news in other sources

USD Coin
09 Nov 2022, 23:03
RT @circle: PREMIERE: 7pm ET, @jerallaire goes live w/@brian_armstrong, Co-founder & CEO @Coinbase to discuss: 👉 A mechanism for standardi…
RT @circle: PREMIERE: 7pm ET, @jerallaire goes live w/@brian_armstrong, Co-founder & CEO @Coinbase to discuss:.
RT @circle: PREMIERE: 7pm ET, @jerallaire goes live w/@brian_armstrong, Co-founder & CEO @Coinbase to discuss: 👉 A mechanism for standardi…