PSA WARNING: Another social scam is promoting a site (Circle-dex dot org) claiming to be a new DEX from @circle -- do not visit

25 Nov 2022, 21:23
PSA WARNING: Another social scam is promoting a site (Circle-dex dot org) claiming to be a new DEX from @circle -- do not visit this site, it will ask to connect to your browser wallet, etc.

Same news in other sources

USD Coin
25 Nov 2022, 21:23
RT @jerallaire: PSA WARNING: Another social scam is promoting a site (Circle-dex dot org) claiming to be a new DEX from @circle -- do not…
RT @jerallaire: PSA WARNING: Another social scam is promoting a site (Circle-dex dot org) claiming to be a new DEX from @circle
RT @jerallaire: PSA WARNING: Another social scam is promoting a site (Circle-dex dot org) claiming to be a new DEX from @circle -- do not…